The Biggest Reason Why Your Online Course Might Not Sell.


Today I wanted to talk to you about why your AMAZING course might not sell. We all have had that fear of “what if I build this amazing course and no one buys it”. That’s a legitimate fear! However, before you have a meltdown and surrender to those feelings of “what if”, let’s talk about a plan that will help you to actually sell your course. 

First of all, you have to do your research. When thinking about launching your course, who are your ideal clients? Do you know anyone who fits the description of your ideal client? Interview them, ask them questions to gauge what problems your course could solve for them. Find Facebook groups where you think your ideal client would hang out and find out how you could effectively market your course by researching people who have similar courses to you. You can also utilize these groups by creating a poll or survey with a few questions and see what responses you get. This will help you optimize not only your marketing for the course but also make sure you're solving things within your course that are relevant to your ideal client. Also feel free to stalk the comments on posts around your niche, this is a great way to find out how your course can help others. 

Second thing to think about is whether or not your core offer is aligned to your ideal client. Meaning, are you solving the problems they are having? Everyone is looking to solutions to something whether it's weight loss, time-management, communicating better with their dog, etc.. So ask yourself what is the specific problem they have that I’m going to help them solve. How am I going to finally help them overcome that problem? What are tangible results that you can share, whether it be others or yourself it’s still valuable to have something to show or experience to speak from. The POWER of you marketing your course is YOU. Being authentically yourself if what will resonate with someone and make them choose your course or someone else. Trust me, I’ve lived this. I’ve had people choose to work with me even though my audience isn’t as “impressive” as some others who do a similar thing. Why? Because they liked me and resonated with my experiences, stories, and passion. 

Finally, I wanted to touch on the benefits of your offer. Know the worth of your course and what its perceived value is on the course market. Is your pricing aligned with other courses of similar range of content? What features does your course have? Why is your course an AWESOME choice? I’m going to stop here really quick and just mention that you have to believe in your course and that you're worth choosing. If you don’t believe it, it won’t sell. BELIEVE in yourself, you’ve come this far and you have something that the world needs. 


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