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How to Tell Your Story


Lets talk about how to tell your story.

But before we do that, lets talk about why storytelling sales techniques work.

Did you know that stories actually change brain chemistry? Check out this Harvard study done by Paul Zak.  According to the study, people are attracted to stories because of two things: oxytocin and cortisol. Cortisol makes people have increased attention while oxytocin makes people have increased emotion and empathy.

The truth is, if you want people to care about what you do, you have to tell your story.  People don't care about what you do.  They care about why you do it.

Why Does Telling Your Story Work?

1. It helps your audience to see you as a real person and helps them to trust you.  People make real connections.

2. When you hit the emotional factor of your audience, the price becomes irrelevant.  As soon as they can relate with you and your story, they are going to be ready to buy.

3. It makes you unforgettable.  That's right!  People won't remember the details of your product but they WILL remember your story.  It makes you unforgettable.  

What is a Story?

I think it's important that we talk about what a story is and what a story is not.

I'm not talking about the type of stories that I read to my kids before bed...or the made up stories that some people make...I'm talking about YOUR story.  Every single one of us has a unique story.  Your story is what has caused you to be sitting in this exact moment right now. 

Your story is made up of:

  • Feelings or emotions

  • A beginning, middle, and end

  • A particular moment of time

Your story is not:

  • features and facts about your product

  • theory or principle based

  • a sentence about what you want to accomplish

The biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make is eluding to the story, but not actually TELLING IT! 

3 Steps to Telling Your Story

1. Talk about the pain: where you once were.  (This is the beginning.)

2. Talk about the turning point: the solution you found. (This is the middle.)

3. Talk about the end: where you are now. (This is the end.)

What Part of Your Story Do You Share?

Here are some ideas:

A time when you knew you were on the right path
A time when your path took a turn you didn't expect
When you were nervous but took a plunge
A story of the one who got away
A time when someone said you 'couldn't' do something
The moment you knew it was worth it
A difficult time in your life-your pain points
A time when you had hope
A time when you struggled
A turning point
A time when you thought about giving up

Phew!  That was a lot of information!  I hope that was helpful!  Remember, people won't care what you do until they know why you do it.  

Your story is powerful.  You just need to share it!


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