Grab The Magic Course Map

How to Best Use Software to Get Your Students Results


As a course creator selling your course isn't the end result. Once your students purchase your course, you need to "sell" them on consuming the content. 

There are so many different pieces of software out there. It can be overwhelming to choose just one. Many course creators make the mistake of choosing one that is not the right fit for their business model or types of students.

Some course creators make the mistake of choosing the cheapest. 

What Should You Look For in a Learning Management Software (LMS) for Your Online Course?

  1. How do your students login?
  2. What does the interface look like. Is it simple and decluttered?
  3. Does it include progress bars to show your students their progress?
  4. Is it easy to see the lay out in an organized manner so they know the process?
  5. Can your students easily listen to the lesson videos, pause them, rewind, and fast forward?
  6. Is it easy for them to know what to do when they login?
  7. Does the software include assessments?
  8. Is there a place for them to comment and ask questions?
  9. Are you able to add new students automatically?
  10. Can you include your brand in the interface?
  11. Can they consume your course on any device?
  12. Are you able to see where your students are in the course and how much content they have consumed?

It’s no secret that I’m a Kajabi user and I choose that mostly for my students because it checks all of the boxes and makes it easier for them to consume my course. (You can get a 30 day free trial here

Grab the secrets to creating an online course that actually gets your students results here.

Ready to create an online course but struggling to get your course put together? Check out The Magic Course Map

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