Grab The Magic Course Map

Time to Make Another Version of Your Course: Where Do You Start?

online course creation

Creating a course once and selling it again and again is the advantage of an online course business, but there comes a time when you need to start making improvements to your course. 

It’s hard to do something again. It’s like losing 100 lbs, gaining it back, and then trying to lose it again!

It’s not easy, but it’s necessary. 

So where do you even start?

  1. Go through your entire course like you are a student- from front to back
  2. Look at the numbers of where your students are dropping off. Then design strategic activities or checkpoints before their “drop off” point.
  3. Analyze how you are teaching the content. Do you have a mix of media?
  4. Take notes of what needs to stay and what needs to go
  5. Add what needs to be added in
  6. Map it out- try The Magic Course Map!
  7. Go back through the content and edit the videos to add more content if possible(this is when being organized the first time really helps!)
  8. Think about how you can add to the experience for your students. What would make it easier to consume? What would make them want to keep going in the course?

Grab the secrets to creating an online course that actually gets your students results here.

Ready to create an online course but struggling to get your course put together? Check out The Magic Course Map

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